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A member registered Sep 09, 2018

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okay thank u, i've tried redownloading and restarting it a few times, but to no avail. let me know when it's fixed, it seems like a great game!

hello! im on mac and when i get to the beginning i can't seem to start any levels? all of them are locked, including the one i see everyone else select with no problem, am i missing a puzzle?? 

the alt save works!! thank you for fixing it i can't wait to play now <#

ok thanks! it's super weird, but it's actually a common problem for me w/ rpg games not made by big developers....

the save is still not working for me, am i pushing the wrong button or something?

im on High Sierra 10.13.6, i'll test it out rn!

okay thank you sm! i'll look out for it, keep up the good work <3

i'm on mac and i can't seem to save my game? no matter what button i press nothing happens it just makes a sound.. 

also how tF do you refill the lantern lol i rly need to :c 

(excellent game btw i love the sounds and the art and everything about it so far!!)